
Friday, June 4, 2010

Hello, everyone! It sure has been a day! And, it's not over yet! I got up at seven this morning and had pain in my back and a serious, I don't drink, so that wasn't the problem. I have had nerve damage to my back and it can't be fixed/repaired. So, anyway, I get a cup of coffee, sit down in front of my laptop and start to log in to class and get some of this work done. Well, another thought hit me, I don't get to have much fun, so why not go to facebook for a while and then do some class work? While on facebook, I got extremely tired, so I laid back down and the kids kept waking me up. Go figure. So, in my daze of sleepiness, I get out of bed again and take a shower. I went to the post office and mailed out some stuff my husband sells on ebay. Then, I go to pick up my youngest daughter's friend, who I-in my sleep-agreed to allow over for the day and night. But, that's okay, she's a really good kid. The problem is the fact that my girls won't clean their room. I have done everything to get them to clean their room. I even took their satellite box, cell phones, Wii, and anything else they enjoy. Then, I proceeded to spankings and time out. This has not worked. Now, they have to wash dishes and laundry. This hasn't helped. My back is against the wall on this. Any suggestions are really needed and appreciated here! I also threatened to take everything that's laying on their floor and throw it all away! I am going crazy with these kids!!


  1. O, let's not forget that I still have to get ready for my nephew's graduation. Nothing like a graduation here in Texas. You would think it was the fourth of July. You want to see mega fireworks, this is the place!!

  2. Chrissy - I have the same problem with my daughter, and she's almost 14! In the past, I have tried a scheduled cleaning time -- which actually did work. They sound pretty hard-core though -- taking away all the electronics didn't work? What do they value most? I had a friend once who did put everything on the floor into a giant garbage bag.....

  3. Barb,

    They are extremely hard-core. They have more stubbornness than a hundred mules! I really don't know what they like the most/value the most. Seems to me that they don't value or like anything more than another thing. I have pulled my hair out with them! We did the whole "put it in a garbage bag and throw it away" thing, this worked when they were younger, but now, it don't phase them. They cry about it, but still won't keep it cleaned up! I hate spanking them....I was abused while growing up and I'm always scared I might hurt one of them accidentally. Spanking is always a last resort! But, I will do it from time to time. I really have to get upset, though, and it's hard to get me upset.


  4. Oh. Well, maybe then they get to do absolutely nothing until the room is clean -- like when Supernanny puts the kids on the naughty chair. But they have to sit there until they're ready to clean!! Good luck!

  5. Barb,

    Mine do hate time out!! Maybe that's the answer I needed. Just take a day and have no entertainment going and make them just sit there...maybe even write me an essay about why they should do what they are told to do? Thank you!!
